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AI Concepts and Definitions

This working group is the BTABoK core contributor group. The goal of the working is to manage the critical definitions, concepts and examples that are used to define working AI practices and architecture. The goal is to help organizations AI offerings and the marketplace of AI techniques. 

AI Patterns and Reference Models

The collection of AI related patterns, reference models, designs and other artifacts which represent working and repeatable results is essential in the safe and scalable adoption of AI techniques. This working group aims to acquire and create working design artifacts and examples to share among AI practitioners. 

AI Social, Political and Ethical Impact

The purpose of this working group is to build relationships between the architecture profession and society. This includes, universities, governments and other non-profit groups who wish to ensure that proper architectural standards are met in AI adoption. In addition this group will seek to develop societal and ethical guidelines for AI use in partnership with similar organizations. 

AI Experimentation Environments

Working with our members and partners to create example environments where patterns and techniques can be demonstrated and tested is essential to identifying actual realistic expectations from AI architecture. This working group seeks to establish an experimentation and research set of environments and testing areas which will allow architects to both understand working models as well as test new ones.

AI Governance

Management of AI capabilities, working products and deliverables is critical to understanding AI impact. In addition the governance working group seeks to create techniques for AI Trust, AI Security and AI Control to ensure that both ethical and value based standards are met within practices. This includes the development of assessments and analysis techniques to govern AI adoption. 

AI Value and Business Cases

With the significant changes in the AI technology and business community it is not always clear what is valuable and what isn't. This working group seeks to develop clear value models to help evaluate business cases in AI architecture design and roadmaps. In addition the group will define AI measurements, costs and benefits techniques to help in the development of both business cases and program reviews.